As part of our Assisted Living in Baltimore program, we have the pleasure of helping families locate and make use of national resources available to aging persons and their families. As a country, we are very fortunate that the United States is a world leader in resources for aging persons. In addition to nationwide resources for aging persons, many states like Maryland have state-based programs for aging persons and their families. On the whole, there are a wide array of options, resources, help, and guidance for families in Maryland and the USA who need help with an aging relative.

Residents, please note: in addition to our Assisted Living in Baltimore program, we also provide help accessing national resources to aging persons and their families enrolled in our Independent Living in Baltimore, Respite Stay in Baltimore, and Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care in Baltimore programs.


The Top 5 Nationwide Elderly Resources

  1. American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). Many Americans enrolled in assisted living programs know about AARP from their TV commercials. This organization & lobbying group provides great benefits to assisted living, independent living, respite stay, and Alzheimer’s and dementia care patients, including insurances, discounts and coupons, advocacy, and more.
  2. American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (AAHSA). Now known as LeadingAge, AAHSA has a mission to expand the possibilities for aging residents and their families. They provide counseling on how to pay for assisted living, independent living, respite stay, and Alzheimer’s and dementia care. As a leading grassroots policy organization, LeadingAge is a great organization to call upon with questions about how the national government can assist you and your loved one in the assisted living selection process.
  3. Consumer Consortium on Assisted Living (CCAL). CCAL is a unique organization, focused entirely on an initiative called “person-centered living.” Person-centered living is one of the core principals behind the Assisted Living in Baltimore, Independent Living in Baltimore, Respite Stay in Baltimore, and Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care in Baltimore programs at Bel Air Assisted Living. CCAL describes person-centered living as, “… a way of life centered on personal preferences and values that [emphasize] dignity, choice, self-determination and individuality.” CCAL believes that “… [America]’s aging and disability services and support have been all too lacking in understanding the need for [a] humanistic dimension.”
  4. National Elder Care Locator. Operated by the US Department of Health and Human Services, the National Elder Care Locator can be reached at 1-800-677-1116 or by visiting The National Elder Care Locator is a search database of programs for Assisted Living in BaltimoreIndependent Living in BaltimoreRespite Stay in Baltimore, and Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care in Baltimore. It is a great starting point if you are unsure of which federal and state services are available, or if you want a complete list of federal and state assisted living services options.
  5. National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM). Choosing an assisted living facility can be a dating task. That is why we recommend you compare our facility with other facilities in Greater Baltimore and see what sets us apart. But don’t take our word for it, contact NAPGCM and shop around for yourself. NAPGCM monitors assisted living facilities for compliance with laws, certifications, and best practice guidelines to protect American consumers.


Combined, these top five resources provide all of the help you need to arrange for Assisted Living Care in Baltimore. If you have additional nationwide resources for aging persons and their families, please tell us about them by writing a comment below.